
追記:ハンセンさんのホームステイ問題 - Yumiko's issues with her homestay



  1. ハンセン由美子さんの自分英語史:中学編
  2. ハンセン由美子さんの自分英語史:高校編

 その一家は、お父さん(50代)とお母さん(28歳!)、 二人とも再婚同士でした。お母さんが連れてきた娘(11歳)、そして再婚後に生まれた息子(7歳)という家族構成でした。



Q3. 誰かに相談しましたか?


Q4. 何がいけなかったと思いますか?


Q5. 18歳の若い時期に、面と向かって信頼を築きたいと思っている人に「あなたはいらない子だった」と言われるのは、本当にどんなにショックだったことでしょう。それでも、由美子さんは、それを前向きな動きに変えて、周りの人の助けもあり、その状況を抜け出すことができた、というのが、由美子さんの強さになったのですね。アメリカに住むと、というか、海外生活をすると、かもしれませんが、タフになりますよね。精神的に。留学を考えている方にメッセージはありますか?

 もちろん、留学生も、生活習慣や使う言語が違う場所で他人と長期間に渡って共同生活をするというのがどういう事なのか? いろんな体験談を沢山聞いて、心の準備をしておくと良いでしょう。私自身、高校留学を楽天的に考えていたところもあり、深く反省しました。





Some of the readers asked about Yumiko Hansen’s problem with her home stay.  I would like to write the additional information to explain a bit more about it here.

Q1.  What kind of problems did you have with your first home stay family?

They were a family of 4.  Host father was in his 50s, and she was 28 years old(!).  This was their second marriage.  The daughter was 11 years old, and she is a child from the mother’s previous marriage.  The father and mother had a son who was 7 years old.
 In the beginning, I had a happy impression of their family.  However, as we get used to each other, children did not behave well around me.  Even when I was doing my homework, the children played loud music and started to dance around, and the mother did not say a word to them about their misbehavior.  The mother just watched TV while the kids were making lots of noise around me doing school homework.  The kindest person was the host father, but he was a night time truck driver, so he left home around 4pm, and did not come home until next morning.  I did not have a choice but to stay at home than escaping to somewhere more quiet, because I did not have a driver’s license.  

Q2.  What else was the issue other than being unable to go out freely?

After a month or two, the host mother and father started to go out during a weekend fairly often, and I ended up watching their children for no money.  I did not feel comfortable about the situation.  On top of that, I tried to communicate the children’s misbehaviors to the parents during my sitter time, but things never got better.

Q3.  Did you talk to someone about your problems?

I talked to the lady who was a counselor assigned from my home stay program.  However, she arranged a meeting only once, (she lived 1 hour away from us) and somehow, the blame was all on me.  Perhaps, the lady talked to my host mother, and she only understood her side of the story.

I also talked to the other exchange students who were at my high school.  There were 4 of them coming from Europe.  Their home stay family was very nice, and the family had at least one child who was the same age as us, so they did not have any problem adjusting to a new school by making friends and dealing with school culture unlike my situation.  They took me out from time to time after I talked to them about my problems with host family.
It was really lucky for me to have this school counselor who listened to my story very carefully and supported me throughout the year.  After I became friends with Heather, I wanted to change my host family to Heather’s house.  However, the study abroad program office did not like it.  Thanks to this counselor’s advice to the program, I could move out from the first host family and move into Heather’s family.  (It looked like the counselor told to the study abroad program office that the school would not like to accept any more students from them, if Yumiko cannot change her host family.  That was the first time when the program office became serious about my complaints.) 

Q4.  What do you think went wrong?

I strongly advice to those who consider to join a study abroad program like me that you should confirm if the host family has a child that is the same age as you.  Also, you should find out the purpose of the host family’s acceptance to you.

Many of those home stay programs prohibit using study abroad students as a babysitter, but the reality is not that simple.  If the host mother asks you to watch her children, it is really hard to say no, and you might feel you want to help the host family since they are taking care of you every day.  I think it is a good thing to help the family with babysitting from time to time, but if the situation becomes out of hand, you will need to get some help.  Some host families do not have a clear idea and understanding about hosting an exchange student from abroad.  In fact, when I asked my host mother why they decided to accept me as a home stay, my host mother told me once; “I just wanted to have someone who could chat with me at home.  You are 18 now right?  I thought we could be a good shopping buddy.  Actually there was another girl I really liked to have as a home stay, but someone else took her.”  It was very shocking for me to hear what she said.  They did not have any interest in me, or Japanese culture, or any type of interest to get to know each other in personal or cultural level.
Q5.  How shocking it was for you to hear that!  And you were 18 at the time.  But you stayed positive, and changed the situation to the better.  It helped you become tougher.  Living in the U.S. , or maybe out side of your home country, toughens you up very much, in my experience.  I am assuming you felt the same then.  Is there an advice for the young people who are considering to join a study abroad program?

It would be a good thing to hear many stories of study abroad.  It will help you understand the meaning of living for a long time with someone else with different cultural background.  I had an easy going idea about the reality, and I regretted that I did not have a right kind of expectation.
 But, things will go fine!  You will just have to jump in the water and see what happens.

Q6.  Would you still recommend people to join home stay program?

I would like to share my story because I think it will be helpful for those who consider joining a home stay program in the future.  However, my concern is my story might scare people away from study abroad or home stay.  I would like to emphasize that there are positive side of this experience regardless of the issues with my first home stay family.  Many people with good heart helped me at the end.

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